Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Campaign ♥ Closet Swap with RAISE.COM

Oooohhhh Summer, summer, summer!  The season that everyone loves.  The season that everybody wishes to last forever.  I don't know about you, but to me summer the is the most important time of the year.  Well OK, next to Christmas and New Year!  Haha  But unfortunately, this summer, I didn't have my vacation.  I didn't get the chance to go the beach or not even a pool!  Hopefully...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tassels and Fringe ♥ Summer Campaign with

Hey guys!  What do you do when you're bored at home?  Me?  I create accessories.  Well the truth is, I get ideas from the latest trends.  Since It's not really practical for me to buy expensive accessories, I just create them.  Like what they say "Create what you can't have."  That's right!  All you have to do is to express your creativity and create from the heart.  And I can guarantee...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sneakers On My Birthday!

Just turned 21 today!  Oh my, I feel so old already.   Feels like just yesterday I was 13, and everyone's gushing about how tall and matured I look in that age, and now I really am beyond my teen years.  Oh well, I guess that's just life.  We need to grow old to move forward with our lives.  Specially now that I'm a graduate, I need to be in the corporate world already.  Open the next chapter in my life,...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Breezy Baguio

The summer is almost over, but the heat days are not even close to ending.  So my brother and his girlfriend planned to take us to spend the weekend at Baguio.  At first I didn't really want to go, but my not so little sister anymore, needed to be chaperoned, so I had no choice.  But no regrets, I enjoyed our stay there for 2 days. We went to Burnham Park, paddled the duck boat for half an hour.  Climbed up...