Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tassels and Fringe ♥ Summer Campaign with

Hey guys!  What do you do when you're bored at home?  Me?  I create accessories.  Well the truth is, I get ideas from the latest trends.  Since It's not really practical for me to buy expensive accessories, I just create them.  Like what they say "Create what you can't have."  That's right!  All you have to do is to express your creativity and create from the heart.  And I can guarantee you, there will always be a great outcome.

Anyway,  let me show you some of the necklaces I've made.  It's so perfect for the summer sea
son especially for the boho chics.  I cut fabrics into strips, used shiny thread to create a tassel, and I also used real tassels and assembled it into a necklace.  I still have more tassel accessories, I just decided to post it separately because of the material I used in constructing it, and what you're about to find out will surprise you.  But for the mean time, here's the first batch of my tassels and fringe!

 I would like to thank Miss Jessica Brady for inviting me to participate in the Closet Swap Summer Campaign.

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