Monday, December 15, 2014

My kind of Glam Rock

Isn't it nice dressing up for a party???  Well this is the only thing that I really love about parties, glamming up for the occasion.  And this year, I am very honored to be a part of Convergys' Alabang Rock N' Pop Christmas party. So the theme was about Glam Rock and I was totally channeling into my inner Angelina Jolie.  Fogive me if I kept showing my legs, I was just so feeling the moment of my highslit...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Diaries: Go Tribal

For quite some time now, envelope clutches has set a big trend in the world of fashion. A lot of celebrities and fashion bloggers has been seen using this kind of bag, usually on special occasions like a cocktail party or just a casual get together. So this gave me interest to make one of my own.  But I decided to give it a little twist with a tribal theme. One of the materials that I used is a worn out or broken leather...

Monday, August 25, 2014

Boy's Night Out

I know, I know.  It's been two months since I last posted here in my blog.  I do apologize for that.  I've been busy with work and I barely have time for myself.  But I promise as much as possible, I'll do my best to update my blog at least twice a month.   I'm  already starting to see cobwebs on my blog(if you know what I mean).   Hahaha! So anyway..... I was really happy that...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pastel and Polka

The weather's hot and probably the best you can do is wear something that won't absorb the heat to your body right?  So here's a tip, wear something light, like pastels.  It doesn't just look fresh, but feels like it too! Now what I did is I mixed different pastel shades and added polka to make it more fun.  What I really liked about this is that it looks so fresh and at the same time very comfortable.  The key...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Summer Campaign ♥ Closet Swap with RAISE.COM

Oooohhhh Summer, summer, summer!  The season that everyone loves.  The season that everybody wishes to last forever.  I don't know about you, but to me summer the is the most important time of the year.  Well OK, next to Christmas and New Year!  Haha  But unfortunately, this summer, I didn't have my vacation.  I didn't get the chance to go the beach or not even a pool!  Hopefully...

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Tassels and Fringe ♥ Summer Campaign with

Hey guys!  What do you do when you're bored at home?  Me?  I create accessories.  Well the truth is, I get ideas from the latest trends.  Since It's not really practical for me to buy expensive accessories, I just create them.  Like what they say "Create what you can't have."  That's right!  All you have to do is to express your creativity and create from the heart.  And I can guarantee...