Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Diaries: Go Tribal

For quite some time now, envelope clutches has set a big trend in the world of fashion.
A lot of celebrities and fashion bloggers has been seen using this kind of bag, usually on special occasions like a cocktail party or just a casual get together.

So this gave me interest to make one of my own.  But I decided to give it a little twist with a tribal theme.

One of the materials that I used is a worn out or broken leather bag, which you can see at the top part of the bag.  This infact is one of the reasons that gave me an idea for creating this clutch.

At the bottom or inner part, I used a cotton fabric with tribal prints on it which is actually an excess from the bandage skirt that i made.  Which you'll see here: 

Last but not the least, to complete the design, I placed a square golden glass to make it look more chic.

-Style Kissed


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