Monday, May 11, 2015

Basic Bitch

When out one night with 3 friends while vacationing in CDO.  Bianca, the youngest in all 4 of us, asked if her outfit looked ok.  She was wearing jeans, hanging top, sneakers, and Justine said it was OK.  She then compared our outfits, (I don't remember the exact terms that she used, just correct me nalang if ever you're reading this. Haha!), Bianca was the cool one, Justine was Girly Hip-Hop(?)(Was I correct Justine? Haha!), Chesca was Bohemian, and mine was Basic Bitch.  

So that pretty much where my title came from.  I was wearing black&white and ballet flats.  Very basic and a bit minimalist.  Hope you liked my outfit!

'til my next outfit post!


Chiffon Blouse : Cotton On | Origami Skirt : Zara | Flats : Parisian | Sling Bag : H&M | Wrist Watch : United Colors of Benetton


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