Sunday, August 23, 2015

Honeymoon Tour: Ariana Experience

What a blast it has been!  Ariana sure knows how to WOW an audience.  Damn!  Her voice can rule the world.  It was definitely a great experience.  And I would love to see her more.  Decided to enjoy the event itself than take pictures of her which I can find thousands on the internet.  Which explains why we don't have lots of pictures,  I was with my sister BTW and she was crying...

Monday, May 11, 2015

Basic Bitch

When out one night with 3 friends while vacationing in CDO.  Bianca, the youngest in all 4 of us, asked if her outfit looked ok.  She was wearing jeans, hanging top, sneakers, and Justine said it was OK.  She then compared our outfits, (I don't remember the exact terms that she used, just correct me nalang if ever you're reading this. Haha!), Bianca was the cool one, Justine was Girly Hip-Hop(?)(Was I correct...