Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The BIG Day is almost here!!!!  I couldn't be more excited!!!!  Although we were advised the last minute to wear our uniforms for the last time for Baccalaureate Mass Today, I refused to do so.  My dress has been waiting for almost 2 years now, I don't want to spoil my moment.  So this is what I wore.  :)

I really LOVE this dress because of it's elegance.  It's very simple yet very classy.
And it's backless, so at the same time, it makes it a little sexy but not too flirty.

♥ Dress by NEW LOOK
♥ Earrings by Forever 21
♥ Heels by Parisian

(After a while, I had to change my heels to flats because the sole cracked 
while walking on a very rocky floor.)

♥Flats by Nine West

 Tomorrow, I will be an official GRADUATE!!!  I feel truly blessed to have accomplished this far.
I dedicate this to my family, my friends, and to a special someone. :)

Can't wait for tomorrow!


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