Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The BIG Day is almost here!!!!  I couldn't be more excited!!!!  Although we were advised the last minute to wear our uniforms for the last time for Baccalaureate Mass Today, I refused to do so.  My dress has been waiting for almost 2 years now, I don't want to spoil my moment.  So this is what I wore.  :) I really LOVE this dress because of it's elegance.  It's very simple yet very...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

DIY Diaries: Valentine

Before it looked this fab, it used to be like this.... Dress:  Forever21 (Sorry for the awkward pose.  I was trying to be the Ally darling in "What's your number?"  for our Movie Poster Multimedia Project) I cut off the sleeves of the dress, then shaped it like a heart, that's why it got shorter.  Altered it on each side so it would fit me better.  The dress' size used to...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

DIY Diaries: Debut Entry

Hey Guys!!! It took me a ages to get back on my blog again, but here I am ready to show you more. This time you will not only see my styles, but also my simple creative designs. From clothes to accessories, shoes and bags. This is my chance to show my REAL passion and talent. I hope to inspire young people like me who wants to show their own creativity. And for my first post in 2 years, I am debuting my DIY Diaries. DIY...